Posts in Stories
1994 Camp Staff Memories

This was my first of four summers on paid staff at Maumee. So many grand memories at and away from Maumee with so many of these fine Scouts. Some faces are missing from this photo, but I am proud to have joined this family at the age of 15 (14 if you count my previous year as "Freshman" while a Counselor In Training (aka Staff Helper In Training) I am very happy to still be connected to several and miss those with whom I am not.

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Lightning Strikes!

It happened during Summer Camp approximately five years ago. I was sitting in the Camp Master cabin with Jason Triplet who was providing trainings when suddenly.. “BOOOOM!!!!”. There was a massive lightning/thunder-strike directly over camp. No one was hurt and there was no damage but for the rest of the week, it didn’t matter who you spoke to, every Scout told the tale of how lightning struck 5 feet away from there. :D

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